Saturday, 1 February 2014

An HSP's Job Profile

Good day to you my dear brothers and sisters! Today I will be speaking a tad on how HSPs deal with stress in a work environment, careers of interest and why it is imperative to have a few HSPs working for you. 

I am certain that you are well aware of HSP traits by now. HSPs are not anti-social, shy or constantly under threat of been given the heebie-jeebies in a public setting. It is just not the same as those "weaknesses" I just mentioned. In fact, more than a quarter of HSPs have extroverted personalities! However, as in every sphere of life, HSPs are subjected to awful and unwarranted stereotypes and this puts off employers who are seeking for cultured and dedicated employees. These barriers should be hanged, drawn, quartered and eviscerated. I believe that we are living in an era where we can get rid of such trite and trivial stereotypes. 

How will you benefit by hiring an HSP? 

HSPs are devoted and loyal, both to your organisation and colleagues. 
HSPs perform very well with little to no supervision, in fact that is how they love to work, because too much of attention can break their spirits. 
HSPs never indulge in promoting themselves for higher perks or positions. 
HSPs tend to avoid office politics and gossip like the plague.
HSPs are stellar performers because they process details, goals and visions more deeply than many other character types.
HSPs get along well with other employees because they are able to sense the emotions and needs of others and all the other delicate nuances involved, thereby avoiding any unnecessary altercations or misunderstandings that may occur.

If you perceive one or more of your employees are HSP, I hope you find a way to work with them in a manner that will benefit your company and everybody else. As you may have experienced already, HSPs are usually quite intelligent and astute, you can obtain the best from them only when their temperament and character are fully understood and appreciated. Close supervision and unnecessary attention can easily unnerve and derail an HSP, to the point that he or she may become flustered and end up under-performing. I cannot stress this enough, that over scrutinizing an HSP can make him/her sweat, shake and become way less productive. Our society portrays an extremely twisted view with regard to HSPs and that is precisely where we should start implementing change. As an employer, you are driven by the urge to make profit and that is precisely what a business is. You may also run away with the thought that HSPs are more work than is necessary in our fast-paced and "instant" society, but just consider the pros and advantages of investing in an HSP. Once you study their characteristics and traits and treat them in a way that is befitting their personae, you end up with an employee/s who will stick with you and you company through storms and struggles! 

My dear HSP and Non-HSP brothers and sisters, as you are well aware, I am an HSP myself and I am of the introverted kind. Ever since I was a wee laddie, I have yearned to work with the mentally ill, I wanted to be a counselor or psychiatrist, but those plans didn't fall through. However, I have no given up and I shall pursue it, though I am currently involved in counseling others on an amateur level, not professionally of course, well not as yet anyway. I have always been of the opinion that no amount of academical degrees can trump the education you receive through personal experiences. Currently I am working as a travel consultant, the field I have been in for quite some time now. I must say that at times it does get stressful, since I am always on the front line, dealing with customers and they come of a wide spectrum of personalities. I may deal with an HSP customer and the very next instant, a boorish and demanding customer who might have had a bad day and had decided to take it out on me! Therefore, I have come up with a few suggestions for HSPs like myself to relieve some of the stresses we may encounter regularly at our jobs. 

1. The moment I start feeling overwhelmed, stressed out or burned out, I excuse myself to the restroom or the cafeteria, just to gather my thoughts, compose myself and take deep breaths. If there is a park or quiet spot nearby, it is even better. 

2. There are times where I feel like I'm doing to break down any moment, it can happen because at times we work in such fast-paced environments and in the midst of constant chatter and chaos. I have developed a breathing mechanism, wherein I close my eyes, lay back on my chair, clasp my palms together and rock to and fro for a while, it could be for even 10 to 20 seconds, but it does help. 

3. I am a bookworm, my idea of heaven consists of books in every nook and cranny set in a natural environment. Therefore, if you are inclined to read, do bring a book to work, read during your spare time, take some time out for yourself. If you like listening to music, do wear your earphone while at work, if your job permits you to do so.

4. We HSPs do not usually make the first move when it comes to friendships, we wait for the opportune moment and once we are hooked, we are friends for life! Try to find a colleague who you could confide in. Remember though to not go overboard, retain your personal details for a later time. 

5. As HSPs we find it difficult to say "No". In fact, I still find it to be a constant struggle to say "No" to a request. However, I have found that if I agree and acquiesce to everything, eventually I will be taken for granted which will lead me getting burnt out and then eventually lead to disaster. We do love to help others, but we also have our limitations and it is alright to say "No".

6. Some workplaces stipulate deadlines for certain projects. Deadline, the very word still does send chills up and down my spine. I have found it to be advisable that over-analyzing a deadline can only pull us further back. Therefore, I don't think of the deadline anymore, whereas I specify a date at a comfortably distant future as my deadline, that gives me a psychological edge to get things done. I further disintegrate large projects into wee, individual portions and work through them. 

7. Finally, if you still feel the need to vent and express your feelings, I would strongly suggest that you speak to your therapist, counsellor or a person who truly understands you. As HSPs, understanding and acceptance is essential. 

In summation to all the employers out there who may have HSPs working for you, do not fret. My advise is to do some reading on HSPs in the workplace, there are quite a few reading material online. If you think that an HSP is a liability, well, you are grossly misinformed and extremely mistaken. Being highly sensitive does in no way mean being highly inefficient or ineffective. Consider the following HSPs who have left their mark in our lives in a way we could never have imagined - 

Albert Einstein
Carl Jung
Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mother Teresa
Sir Isaac Newton
Emily Dickinson
Robert Frost
Leonardo Da Vinci
Pablo Picasso 

The list goes on and on. As I have mentioned and as many studies suggest, HSPs are highly intuitive, intelligent and intellectual individuals. 

To ally my HSP brothers and sisters out there, do remember that we are in this world for a reason and that we are born HSP for a reason. We do have great ideas, but we are unable to go through with them because we think of "other" things, we let "other" external details mar and block our path and vision. The world stands to benefit from us and we are in a far higher position to bring about true love and goodness to this damaged world of ours. Aye, we must go forth with our great visions, that is what we were created for. You are special, you are valuable, you are worthy! I couldn't stress enough. 

Therefore, my dear HSP brothers and sisters, be proud of your heightened sensitivity, for that is the greatest gift of all. Go forth and spread your love to the world. You need it for your own healing and as well as for the healing of your society. 

To all my Non-HSP brothers and sisters, if you think you may have an HSP parent, sibling, employee, friend, do try to learn more about them and accept them for who they are just as much as you would want them to accept you for who you are. Trust me (I'm not saying this as an HSP), but the world stands to gain a lot than to lose by understanding the HSP trait!

God bless you all!