Good day my darling brothers and sisters! Tonight (aye, it's nighttime in my neck of the woods), I'm endeavouring to talk a wee bit about something that our modern world is in desperate need of - Love! I shall start by saying something extremely corny, but true - Love makes the world go round. Aye, it really does! Love, either platonic or physical, is a feeling or emotion that comes naturally to us. It need not be coaxed, it need not to be developed, it need not be taught, it need not be cultivated. Therefore, my question is - Why then do we find a startlingly low amount of that all-encompassing emotion?
As you all know by now, I'm an HSP. Love is an extremely important emotion to those of who share the HSP trait. However, I have found that many HSPs, myself included, are apprehensive with regard to showing love. Perhaps, it is because of unrequited love, fear of showing love and affection due to past or ongoing abuses, ashamed of being labelled as "overly needy" or "too sensitive", the list goes on and on. We HSPs are often burdened by worries such as whether we would be accepted and appreciated. As HSPs, we are capable of changing the world, yet we need a lot of encouragement, support and push. Therefore, it's the same when it comes to spreading our love, care and affection.
It is surely an undisputed fact that HSPs are the preeminent leaders of the "Love Gene". We take our friendships seriously, we work hard to make our friends happy, we put their needs before our own, we are often the first to lend a shoulder to cry on, to lend a hand. We take our relationships seriously, we shower our partners with praises, gifts and small tokens of appreciation and we are often the first to give in, just so that we do not need to prolong an altercation or argument. We take our marriages seriously, we never stop loving our partners over time, we live and let live, we go to extraordinary amounts of length to keep our wee cove as intimate and cozy as possible. I hope you don't think I'm tooting my own horn here or being partial with regard to HSP traits with regard to love.
Well, it's not all black and white though. I speak with personal experiences and alluding to the testimonies of the countless HSPs that I know and have come across over the years, that being in love for a HSP can get rather tiresome and tedious. To get a better grasp of the actual meaning of the preceding statement, one must be aware of the complex intricacies of an HSP. In summation, an HSP's nervous system is far more attuned than the nervous system of any other character type, thereby we tend to be far more exposed to the elements, both unseen and seen in the environment around us. Therefore, we do tend to seek a lot of meaning and depth in our relationships, we expect a lot of attention and care (this is not being needy, in fact this is how you can get the best out of an HSP) and we do take anniversaries, birthdays and such special occasions extremely seriously; sentimentality is quite important for us. We do worry a lot, we are extremely concerned and we are always trying to figure out how to improve our relationships. HSPs stress out quite often than most character types and may require down time and they may find various hobbies and pastimes enjoyable in comparison to others. If you are a non-HSP, you may probably be in a relationship with an HSP. Fear not! An HSP is the most selfless, most loving, most caring, most devout and most loyal partner you could ever find! Do remember though that an HSP who is not understood and unappreciated is devastating to both the HSP and the partner. Therefore, many HSPs find that they can be far more happier with other HSPs. Birds of a feather do flock together. However, having said that, there is absolutely no reason for an HSP and a non-HSP to be happy together, as long as the vital signs are in check and taken care of.
Moving on, I would like to stress a tad on the cultural aspect of being an HSP. Well, the stereotype is that women are born sensitive, but men are not and for a "real" man to be sensitive is extremely unappealing and distasteful. We do live in a world that is fast becoming, if not already, a place tailor-made for the alpha male. Women do love to have male HSP friends, but are unwilling to get married to one. This truly is a paradox of sorts, isn't it? Women often outline their "perfect man" and I find that they end up dating or marrying a man who consists of a few to none of the characteristics they have outlined in the first place. However, I have heard that there are many HSP communities around the world that are working tirelessly to educate the masses on the benefits of dating or marrying an HSP and for HSP men to feel more confident and to not hold themselves responsible for the situation they find themselves in.
My dear brothers and sisters, I have been in quite a few relationships myself. Some of them were blissful, some not quite as much. However, I have learned a lot about myself and about the world as well. Every opportunity is a learning curve and being in a relationship is definitely one. To all the non-HSPs out there who are with HSP partners, all I can say is that you are blessed. To all the HSPs out there with Non-HSP partners, this is a time for you to learn more about yourself and to revel in the garden of that eternal emotion - Love. We have seen how opposites attract and it sure is an amazing feeling, the start is a truly exciting phase! There is so much to be explored, so much to learn, so much to be experienced, but of course in true human fashion, over time these feelings dissipate and the HSP partner may stress out more frequently and the Non-HSP partner may get frustrated with the constant pendulum of feelings exuded by his/her HSP partner. Therefore, it is imperative that partners understand each other. The same goes for HSP couples as well, initially it is an amazing feeling to be in love with a kindred soul, but as time goes by, boredom and familiarity creeps in and that initial spark is snuffed out in a jiffy. Anyway, this is the subject of another topic.
In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters, as an HSP, I can say without reservation that love is an important and necessary emotion. I have always spoken on the necessity of it, regardless of the situation, often to the sound of demeaning laughter and disparaging remarks, yet I will waver from my belief that we live in a world that is extremely wounded, there are many open gashes that need to healed. Therefore, we need to love, we need to be selfless and giving. Harvesting love in an overly cynical world is fast becoming a noble struggle. We can do it though, all we need to do is love, unconditionally and irrevocably.
God bless you my darling brothers and sisters!
As you all know by now, I'm an HSP. Love is an extremely important emotion to those of who share the HSP trait. However, I have found that many HSPs, myself included, are apprehensive with regard to showing love. Perhaps, it is because of unrequited love, fear of showing love and affection due to past or ongoing abuses, ashamed of being labelled as "overly needy" or "too sensitive", the list goes on and on. We HSPs are often burdened by worries such as whether we would be accepted and appreciated. As HSPs, we are capable of changing the world, yet we need a lot of encouragement, support and push. Therefore, it's the same when it comes to spreading our love, care and affection.
It is surely an undisputed fact that HSPs are the preeminent leaders of the "Love Gene". We take our friendships seriously, we work hard to make our friends happy, we put their needs before our own, we are often the first to lend a shoulder to cry on, to lend a hand. We take our relationships seriously, we shower our partners with praises, gifts and small tokens of appreciation and we are often the first to give in, just so that we do not need to prolong an altercation or argument. We take our marriages seriously, we never stop loving our partners over time, we live and let live, we go to extraordinary amounts of length to keep our wee cove as intimate and cozy as possible. I hope you don't think I'm tooting my own horn here or being partial with regard to HSP traits with regard to love.
Well, it's not all black and white though. I speak with personal experiences and alluding to the testimonies of the countless HSPs that I know and have come across over the years, that being in love for a HSP can get rather tiresome and tedious. To get a better grasp of the actual meaning of the preceding statement, one must be aware of the complex intricacies of an HSP. In summation, an HSP's nervous system is far more attuned than the nervous system of any other character type, thereby we tend to be far more exposed to the elements, both unseen and seen in the environment around us. Therefore, we do tend to seek a lot of meaning and depth in our relationships, we expect a lot of attention and care (this is not being needy, in fact this is how you can get the best out of an HSP) and we do take anniversaries, birthdays and such special occasions extremely seriously; sentimentality is quite important for us. We do worry a lot, we are extremely concerned and we are always trying to figure out how to improve our relationships. HSPs stress out quite often than most character types and may require down time and they may find various hobbies and pastimes enjoyable in comparison to others. If you are a non-HSP, you may probably be in a relationship with an HSP. Fear not! An HSP is the most selfless, most loving, most caring, most devout and most loyal partner you could ever find! Do remember though that an HSP who is not understood and unappreciated is devastating to both the HSP and the partner. Therefore, many HSPs find that they can be far more happier with other HSPs. Birds of a feather do flock together. However, having said that, there is absolutely no reason for an HSP and a non-HSP to be happy together, as long as the vital signs are in check and taken care of.
Moving on, I would like to stress a tad on the cultural aspect of being an HSP. Well, the stereotype is that women are born sensitive, but men are not and for a "real" man to be sensitive is extremely unappealing and distasteful. We do live in a world that is fast becoming, if not already, a place tailor-made for the alpha male. Women do love to have male HSP friends, but are unwilling to get married to one. This truly is a paradox of sorts, isn't it? Women often outline their "perfect man" and I find that they end up dating or marrying a man who consists of a few to none of the characteristics they have outlined in the first place. However, I have heard that there are many HSP communities around the world that are working tirelessly to educate the masses on the benefits of dating or marrying an HSP and for HSP men to feel more confident and to not hold themselves responsible for the situation they find themselves in.
My dear brothers and sisters, I have been in quite a few relationships myself. Some of them were blissful, some not quite as much. However, I have learned a lot about myself and about the world as well. Every opportunity is a learning curve and being in a relationship is definitely one. To all the non-HSPs out there who are with HSP partners, all I can say is that you are blessed. To all the HSPs out there with Non-HSP partners, this is a time for you to learn more about yourself and to revel in the garden of that eternal emotion - Love. We have seen how opposites attract and it sure is an amazing feeling, the start is a truly exciting phase! There is so much to be explored, so much to learn, so much to be experienced, but of course in true human fashion, over time these feelings dissipate and the HSP partner may stress out more frequently and the Non-HSP partner may get frustrated with the constant pendulum of feelings exuded by his/her HSP partner. Therefore, it is imperative that partners understand each other. The same goes for HSP couples as well, initially it is an amazing feeling to be in love with a kindred soul, but as time goes by, boredom and familiarity creeps in and that initial spark is snuffed out in a jiffy. Anyway, this is the subject of another topic.
In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters, as an HSP, I can say without reservation that love is an important and necessary emotion. I have always spoken on the necessity of it, regardless of the situation, often to the sound of demeaning laughter and disparaging remarks, yet I will waver from my belief that we live in a world that is extremely wounded, there are many open gashes that need to healed. Therefore, we need to love, we need to be selfless and giving. Harvesting love in an overly cynical world is fast becoming a noble struggle. We can do it though, all we need to do is love, unconditionally and irrevocably.
God bless you my darling brothers and sisters!