Friday, 24 January 2014

The Seemingly Innocuous Tip of an Iceberg

My dearest brothers and sisters, I must admit that I did take a brief hiatus from writing since I was preoccupied with work. I do return home quite late and then it's a long shower, supper, some light reading and off to Bedfordshire (Bed, I confess I'm a die-hard Anglophile!), ha ha ha. 

We do live in an enlightened time, don't we? Yet, for all our technological and societal advancements, we continue to barrel down that woeful path strewn with landmines to our own demise. I believe that the primary source of our misery is the abhorrent refusal to accept the fact that we are mere mortals! I am reminded of a quote from Charles Dicken's amazing novel, "A Christmas Carol" - "When will men open their shut up hearts and treat each other like fellow travelers to the grave and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys" (I have subtly edited the quote), but you get where I'm going with it. We are all connected, in every sense of the word. It doesn't matter who or what you are, you can be black, white, yellow, red, Asian, African, European, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things! We all come into this world without any possessions and that is how we will bid adieu as well. A human baby at birth is one of the weakest in the animal world, we truly are born helpless and for want of immediate supervision and victuals. We are often met with gruesome and horrendous news stories. Wars and other man made calamities continue to wreak a heart-wrenching toll on countless populations the world over. Movies often portray violence and we continue to let our children be exposed to such programs! We must also be aware of the fact that we live in an extremely fragile and sensitive world. We can see how global warming is causing havoc across the entire planet. Well, there is indeed a lot to write about our responsibilities as a citizen of Mother Earth, both to our immediate environment and the society we live in. 

My dear brothers and sisters, as you can see, we are in need. We continue to bury ourselves in false senses of security, entitlement and reality, however, the truth of the matter is that unless we change our attitudes, unless we are even willing to change at all, the future will continue to look bleaker. I have always spoken of the importance of Love. How do we harvest love in an overly cynical world? Well, there is no clear cut path nor is there a tried and tested method. If we were to look at some of the amazing personalities of our times, such as Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela, what did they have in common? They had all the ingredients that make us human! It really is ironical, because were created to love, for love and be loved. Love comes naturally to a human being than its opposite emotion and feeling. So, how do we start loving? Firstly, start by loving yourself, treating yourself well, taking care of yourself. Accepting yourself is of paramount importance, because in order for you to love, you have to be a conductor of love. Thereafter, go out into the world. Start with your own family, bury the hatchet, apologize and forgive. It really is easier said than done, but nothing truly frees your spirit than accepting your mistakes and forgiving others for any wrongdoing you suffered from them. Subsequently, move on to your work place, your colleagues, peers, acquaintances and so forth. Finally reach out the poor and destitute. Perhaps sponsor the tuition fees of a child whose parents can't make ends meet, just a suggestion. There are many ways in which we can make this world a better place and it's always advisable to start off small. Love truly is contagious. Thereafter, we must persevere. We may be misunderstood, we may be labeled as fame seekers and our good deeds may be misconstrued in the most colourful of ways! Yet, we must not stumble and even if we do, we must stand up and continue on the same path, though are knees have been scabbed. 

There really is a lot to write on this subject my dear brothers and sisters, but I feel my bed beckoning me to lay on its soft, downy plumes :) I shall be writing more on this subject. I sure hope I don't get writer's block, because I intend to write a self-help book in the not so distant future :)

Have a great day and God bless you my dear brothers and sisters!

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